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    Derrick & Stefyne Zett

    Derrick & Stefyne Zett

    FROM: Spring, Texas

    Married at the “Choice ” (New York City, NY)

    Captain Arnold,

    I’m going to try to put into words the way that I felt about our ceremony. I felt like you could read my mind at just the right time and know exactly when to say certain things about marriage and the importance of the bond. I only met you the day of the ceremony but the way that you tied everything together was brilliant. I had the owner of our company come over and say, “I am going to hire Captain Arnold for my 20th Wedding Anniversary to renew our vows because he did such a phenomenal job for you.” I know that I’m not doing you the justice that you deserve but I was overly impressed by not just what you had to say but the way that you delivered the message. Everyone at our party went on and on about what a gem that you were and how in the world did you find “The Captain”

    Stefyne and I will be forever indebted to you. If you are ever in Houston, please don’t hesitate to look us up? I would really like to take you to a nice Dinner. Thanks again for all that you have done and all that you do.

    Derrick & Stefyne Zett

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