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    B & J

    FROM: Brick, NJ
    WEDDING DATE – August 28, 2016
    Married aboard the “Celebrity Summit Cruise Ship” Celebrity Cruise Lines (Cape Liberty, Port of Bayonne, NJ)

    Good evening Captain Arnold,

    My new husband and I would like to take the time to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You presented a wonderful service and we received so many compliments on your positivity and kindness. We both truly appreciated the ceremony, as it was from the heart and provided excellent advice for any marriage. Our guests were so impressed that we had a captain ordain us and they also enjoyed your sense of humor and enthusiasm.

    The token of good luck that you gave both myself and my little nephew was adorable and meaningful. My nephew was so excited that you gave him that little trinket and his face lit up with a smile when you engaged him in conversation. As my husband and I build our new lives together, we will look back on our wedding day as a perfect event of our lives.

    Thank you for giving us a ceremony filled with genuine emotion and love.

    Many thanks and so much love,

    B & J

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