Home / Portfolio / David & Debra Anderson

    David & Debra Anderson

    FROM: San Diego, CA
    WEDDING DATE – July 21, 2012
    Married Aboard the “Skyline Princess Motor Yacht” (World’s Fair Marina, Flushing, NY)

    Dear Captain Arnold,

    I am so sorry that I did not write sooner. When we returned from our honeymoon we found out the house we were buying was pulled off the market. After much searching, my surgery on my ankle and a long recovery we were able to move into a wonderful house the week before Thanksgiving.

    We wanted to thank you again for making our wedding such a wonderful event with your ceremony. We enjoyed your mix of humor at times to lighten the intensity (I remind Dave he gave me his wallet) of the time. We were also very pleased with the vows that really fit and matched the love we feel for each other.

    Again- Thank you! Have a wonderful Holiday Season,
    Debby & Dave

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