Home / Portfolio / Joniebert & Jaunel Castro

    Joniebert & Jaunel Castro

    FROM: Kew Gardens, NY
    WEDDING DATE – January 13, 2018
    Married aboard the “Skyline Princess Motor Yacht”
    World’s Fair Marina, Flushing, NY

    Dear Captain Arnold,

    Thank you for giving us the best Christmas gift we could’ve ever gotten! We were looking at many options for our wedding, including going to elope at City Hall, but Captain Arnold was there for us in a time when we needed a lot of support and help.

    John and I had a lot of fun during our ceremony on the boat, even though it was freezing cold. You and Jaz, our wedding coordinator, kept us company throughout the entire day, making sure we were well-fed and taken care of, and had a very special, exciting, and love-filled evening. Without you, this day wouldn’t have been possible, and we will never forget what you did for us. Can’t wait to see the photos!


    Jaunel & Joniebert Castro
    January 13, 2018
    World’s Fair Marina, Flushing, NY

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