Home / Portfolio / Todd & Beth Pappas

    Todd & Beth Pappas

    FROM: Phoenix, Arizona
    WEDDING DATE – December 30, 2005
    Married aboard the World Yacht “Princess” (Paulus Hook, Colgate Pier, Jersey City, NY)

    Captain Arnold-

    I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for such a lovely wedding ceremony. Our wedding was such a success! I received more than a few compliments that they enjoyed the ceremony and the thoughtfulness you put into it. Todd and I both really appreciated it, and the fact that you traveled a little bit in inclement conditions to arrive ahead of schedule. His children also felt thrilled to be a part of the ceremony in such a meaningful way. I hope it brings them fond memories always, as I know it will for both Todd and me.

    I have a few pictures to share, there are so many great ones that convey what a lovely evening we had.

    Let me know if you’d like to see more pictures or if you intend to use them for marketing purposes.

    Thank you again!


    Beth and Todd

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