Home / Letter / Daniel & Nicole

    Daniel & Nicole


    "your wedding ceremonies are the best anyone has ever witnessed."

    Captain Arnold,

    Nicole and I wanted to take the time to send you a message of thanks appreciation for the wedding service. Your service not only made the day extra special for us and our guests, but has each day since then as we discuss it together ourselves and with friends and family.

    We are honored that you performed our wedding ceremony and deeply appreciate your kind, honest, and thought-provoking message. You also injected a little humor in there which helped ease some nerves and also helped remind us to have some fun, too. We know you receive a lot of positive feedback from other ceremonies you have performed and didn’t want our message of thanks to simply read like a repeat of what everyone else has already said. However, given the overwhelming response from everyone who attended our wedding, we can’t help but reiterate what has already been said: your wedding ceremonies are the best anyone has ever witnessed. Your rose ceremony was very special for our mothers. We deeply appreciated your kind words for them as they weren’t expecting to be recognized and you brilliantly drew us all closer together.

    Imagine our own joy when, after the ceremony was completed, we turned round and faced the cheers of our family and friends only to see everyone beaming from ear to ear and not a single dry eye on the boat. It was a special moment and one we will never forget.

    From the bottom of our hearts thank you,

    Nicole and Daniel

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